Letter from the Secretary General
Dear participants,
It is my absolute honor to invite and welcome you all, as Secretary General, to the 11th Annual Oasis International School Model United Nations conference held in Cairo, Egypt. In order to ensure that our conference’s quality Is of the highest caliber on a national and international scale, we have set up ideals and standards that orient us towards our goal while also providing us with the dedication necessary to make a difference. Our conference aims to engage and encourage the youth to participate and to share their ideas and beliefs about different and various global issues.
As adolescents represent approximately 20% of the entire world population, it is essential that fruitful discussions be done to share what they think, their hopes and dreams. As we aim towards a better world; a world that unites people and not marginalize them, a world full of care not hatred, a world were justice reigns supreme and a world where individuals are able to share their thoughts in order to promote innovation and development. As we approach the transition period where members of our generation take place as leaders and effective individuals, it is essential to prepare ourselves for our descendant’s sake.
As Gandhi once said: “Be the change you want to see in the world.” OISMUN is a unique platform where teenagers get to propose and suggest effective and realistic solutions concerning real international concerns and issues. Hence, for this year’s 11th OISMUN, we will be simulating 6 English committees: The General Assembly of the United Nations, The International Court of Justice, The Security Council, The Human Rights Council, The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crimes, The Economic and Social Council. Delegates also have the opportunity to participate in three French committees: The Security Council (Conseil de Sécurité), The Human Rights Council (Conseil des Droits de l’Homme) and The Disarmament Committee (Désarmement).
OISMUN is a conference that provides more than knowledge and skills development; it’s an opportunity to create vivid memories and enjoy entertaining evening outings and events. For that, I encourage all to participate in OISMUN and not to miss out on this one of a kind experience.
In case of any inquiries, do not hesitate to contact me at secretary-general@oismun.net
On behalf of the entire OISMUN team, I look forward to welcoming you during November in Cairo!
Best Regards,
Nour H. Anis
Secretary General